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Resources on hydrotherapy and much, much, more.

In an effort to encourage building a canine community and continuing to expand knowledge of whole dog wellness we have compiled some resources for you! Here you will find more information on hydrotherapy for dogs, natural wellness, local resources for you and your dog, and products we recommend.

Resource Categories

Resources Dog Hero Bottom Image

Around the Community

In these pages you'll find more local things to enjoy with your dog, and maybe even meet many dog lovers like you.

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Natural Wellness

In these pages we explore some natural alternatives to traditional western medicine, as well as, education about nutrition, and our dogs emotional needs.

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Products We Love

We have had experience with many breeds and temperaments of dogs. Here are some products we have had experience with and found to be helpful to us with our canine’s.

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Why Hydrotherapy

Physically, your dog receives all the natural benefits of warm water; increased blood flow and circulation, relaxation allowing for tension to be released and muscle guarding to diminish, and lungs can breathe deeper and fuller.

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