Featured Fido
Meet Sydra
- Labrador Retriever
- 15 years
- Strengthen muscles after ACL tear
Sydra’s first warm water therapy came after an ACL tear when she was 5. She took to swimming like a frog to boiling water. In spite of her aversion, the pool work strengthened her muscles and she recovered completely. Five years later she resumed swimming to improve her muscle tone. This time she really enjoyed the experience. Now, at almost 16 years of age, she slowly stokes her way across the pool, glad to have the weight off her arthritis joints. Karen’s soothing massage increases her circulation and range of motion as her muscles rebuild strength after 18 months without the gentle therapy. It is a joy to see the serene look on Syd’s face as she swims in the pool, and the renewed bounce in her step after each session.
Nice work Sydra! Fido Physio loves to see you every week being soothed in the pool by Karen.