Featured Fido
Meet Captain
- Pit Bull Terrier
- 3 years
- Torn rotator cuff - surgery recovery
From being abandoned by his previous owners on the side of the road, going to 3 different Dog Pounds in San Diego, and not being adopted Cap’s lifestyle had a complete turnaround when Dakota adopted him from a last resort Dog Adopting Foundation. Cap has gone from the streets to having a dog bed in every room and sleeping on his human’s bed. Cap gets extreme exercise daily by playing Frisbee on the local baseball and soccer fields. Cap has always been an extremely athletic dog so after his surgery and inability to do any type of fetching, his favorite activity I was looking for new ways for Cap to get his workouts in. Cap has previously competed in a Dock Diving competition so I was aware of water sports which is what led me to Fido Physio. Post OP Cap’s front right muscle group was as hard as a rock, but just after his first hour-long session at Fido Physio Cap’s muscles had released all the scar tissue and Cap was able to get a workout that did not cause pressure on his joints. He seemed to have fully healed with no limping. We continue to go back to Fido Physio as the water activity he gets is healthy a more complete body workout without the wear and tear of land workouts as well as it gives me confidence that if Cap were to fall into the water he would be able to swim to safety or keep swimming till rescued. Shortly after I was able to take Cap on a 5 and 6-mile hike and not have to worry about his injury.